Friday, July 25, 2008

6 Month Exam Update

Today Mr. C went to his six month check up at his pediatrician's office. He had to get three shots which mommy wasn't to crazy about. This is the third time I had to sit and watch my poor baby scream his head off because the nurse jammed 3 needles into his chunky legs. Mr. C went off immediately. I tried to console him but he wasn't feeling it. Once it was over he cried a little more and then put the sad face on. When he had his 4 month appointment I cried. This time around I toughened up and didn't shed one tear. Mr. C shed enough tears for both of us. Once we got home he was just fine. He actually wanted to show off his colorful band aids. Check him out. 

So how did he do you ask? Let's take a look.

  • Weight: 19 lbs. 10 oz.            (85th percentile) 
  • Length: 27"           (75th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 43"   (30th percentile)
So as you an see Mr. C is doing rather well. He has a rather small head though. I guess that's a good thing so I won't complain. 


Lindsey said...

WOW! What a big guy! Maybe a football player after all? Those tears and sad face sound absolutely heartbreaking - I'm impressed that mama did not cry too!

Unknown said...

Those chunky legs lol!!