Thursday, September 18, 2008

Splish Splash I Was Taking A....

Bath time is so much fun for Mr. C now that he can really enjoy it. He just loves splashing water around in the tub. He even enjoys splashing water in his face, on the floor, on his mom, where ever he can. There's no dry place in the bathroom when he finished. He is a true water baby.

My little stinker binker!

Do I See A Tooth!

Do I ever! Mr. C is cutting teeth! He has a tooth coming in on the bottom. I just noticed it yesterday when he had his mouth open ready to chew on the strap from his diaper bag. There was a little red spot on his gums. I rubbed my finger across his gums and felt a tooth coming through. My little boy is growing up. To be honest, I can do without the teeth. I'm just not looking forward to being bitten. He's still nursing so I'm dreading the thought of teeth clenching down on me. I was talking to a woman at my church and she told me she was told to pluck her child when he bit down so he'd know not to do again. Now I don't know about you but I don't think it's a little brutal if you ask me. I guess I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it. Although when he's old enough to understand I don't think I'll have a problem plucking. Then again how can you pluck someone with a face like this!

I Just Want To Play

Mr. C is such a playful little baby. I'm finding that all he wants to do is PLAY. These past few weeks have been really tough trying to balance my time between work and playing with Mr. C. Some may not know but I'm back working part-time from home. I thought it would be pretty easy working from home and taking care of Mr. C. Well reality kicked in and it's not so easy. I can no longer sit Mr. C in his exersaucer because he no longer likes being confined to on little thing. He has to crawl around and get into everything. I try to let him explore around the house but it prevents me from getting things done. He's so busy that he only naps for about 20 minutes or so. I think he believes if he sleeps he'll miss out on something.

 The other day I sat down on the floor with him to play for a little while and snapped these two pictures of him. He just wanted some mommy time. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

BBQ Fun!

We managed to make it out of the house today with all the rain that poured down on us. Archana, Wes and little Ria hosted a BBQ for the "New Moms Group." We had such a good time. The hubbies were even invited to join us this time around. 

Here are two of the hosts, Wes and Ria
The babies were on the move.
Group Photo!
Mr. C had to take a peek to make sure Brooks wasn't watching him sitting next to his girl.
When the coast was clear he decided to put the moves on Cady. Watch out Brooks, I think you have some competition on your hands!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Watch out for that baby!

Now that Mr. C can stand and crawl there is just no stopping him. He is constantly on the move getting into every little thing. 

Here he is standing on the side of the TV trying to get a hold of the magazines.

And now he is trying to go for that glass. He will stop at nothing I tell you!

Here is a little video of Mr. C on the move now that he has the crawling thing down. He started crawling the week before he turned 7 months and he hasn't sat still since. He just loves crawling around the house exploring every little thing he can lay his eyes on.                                        


Throwback Thursday

Some might be looking at this picture saying "What in the world is that?" Well "that" is what you call a polydactyly or polydactylism  (extra finger/digit so to say). When Mr. C was born he had an extra digit on each one of his little pinky fingers. When I gave birth and the nurse took him to the warmer she was a little surprised. She said to Harlan and I "Um...the baby has some little balls hanging from his fingers." All I could do is laugh. I already knew what they were. This strange little abnormal digit has popped up on all of my paternal family members. My dad had two digits like Mr. C. My brother Jacques and I had one digit. Back in the 1970's when I was born and the 80's when my brother was born the doctor's would just tie a string around the digit and it would eventually fall off. What they were doing was stopping the blood from flowing to the digit and it when then die. There was no bone in the digit just tissue. So when Mr. C was born I thought they would do the same thing. Well boy did I think wrong! The pediatrician told us we had to take Mr. C to a baby surgeon to have it surgically removed. Well once I heard that I kind of freaked out. I did not want my little week old baby having surgery. So I had to toughen up and make the appointment. I called the surgeon to schedule the appointment and they didn't have anything for weeks. I was so upset because my poor baby had these little digits on his fingers and they looked like they were going to pop off. Well when we finally got around to seeing the surgeon he got us in ASAP for the surgery. I guess I was right. He didn't want to put it off any longer because the little piece of skin that attaches them to the finger started to get thin. The next day Mr. C had the surgery done to remove the digits. He was only 3 weeks old. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008