Today our church Bridgeway Community Church conducted its Baby Dedication Ceremony. So on that day we dedicated Christian. For those who may not know what a Baby Dedication is let me tell you all about it.
A Baby Dedication is a ceremony in which believing parents (Harlan and I) make a commitment before God to submit a child (Christian) to God's will and to raise that child according to God's Word and God's ways.
So Harlan and I made a promise to God to do everything with our power to raise Christian in a godly way, prayerfully until Christian can make a decision on his own to follow God. Therefore we vow to teach and train Christian in God's Word and demonstrate an example of godliness.
So during the ceremony there was a video playing of Harlan and I stating why we wanted to dedicate Christian. During this time my brother Jacques was trying to take pictures while we were on stage. Since he couldn't get a good shot of us on stage with my phone (because everyone left their cameras) he decided to take a picture of the screen with us projected on it. They didn't turn out to bad. Thanks Jacques! BTW...Christian slept through the entire ceremony.
So here is some of the family. Starting from left to right we have my brother Jacques, his girlfriend Jeanette, her daughter Jasmine and her son Isaiah. My niece Alia (my sister's daughter). Jacques two sons Keyshawn and Jacques.
We didn't get a photo of all the other family members who joined us on this special day so I will give them all a shout out. My mom Nettora, my mother-in-law Alethea, my father-in-law Vincent, my sister-in-law Renicia and her boyfriend Brian. My two grandmothers-in-law Jeanne and June. It was a wonderful day and I'm so glad we got to spend it with family.