That's right, Mr. C had his picture taken with Santa! He loved it. I thought he would be a little scared of Santa but boy was I wrong. He enjoyed sitting there with Santa. Well he didn't actually sit. I had to keep chasing after him because he wanted to explore around the studio. The photographer did happen to get a few good shots though.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Throwback Thursday
Here is Mr. C at 2 months old. I love looking at these pictures. I look back at these and I look at him now and I just can't believe that he is about to be a year old already. I really do miss the days when he was this age where I could just sit and hold him and stare him and he wouldn't try to fight me to get down. My little baby boy is growing up so fast I don't know where the time went. I know understand what people mean when they say "Don't rush for them to walk and talk, enjoy them while they are still babies." I can say that I enjoyed my Mr. C. Actually I am still enjoying him when I can. Now that he is mobile (thinking he can walk), he just wants to crawl around and explore. When he is all worn out and tired that's when I get my cuddle time with him. I am really going to miss these days when he is a true big boy and off to school. Why can't we keep this at this age forever??? Well, I'll always have my pictures to remind me of those precious days when he was a little stinky binky baby! Mommy loves you soooooooo much! xoxoxoxoxo
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Gymboree Play & Music
Our play date today was at Gymboree Play & Music. The kiddies had soooo much fun! Mr. C of course was all over the place.
He tried climbing over this little wall,
Thursday, November 27, 2008
First Thanksgiving
Mr. C celebrated his very first Thanksgiving with all his family. We are so thankful to have relatives who are so loving and giving. I can't wait until Mr. C is old enough to understand how important family is and how blessed he is to have such wonderful people in his life.
Early this morning we headed back home to visit relatives and to get our grub on. Mr. C didn't waste any time stuffing his face. He enjoyed the food from every house we went to. We we to three different places and Mr. C ate at all three. This was the first time he's seen so much food and he didn't want any of it to go to waste.
Mr. C and Aunt Nee-Nee
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
If At First You Don't Succeed...
Pick yourself up and try again. That's exactly what Mr. C did. Or it could be that anything is possible with the help of a HIPPO! The hungry, hungry hippo is supposed to eat the blocks as you roll over them but Mr. C prefers that he eats shoes. Take a look at him on the go with Mr. Hippo!
Play Date
Today we traveled to a friends house for a play date. It's so much fun to sit back and watch the babies explore and do their own thing. It's funny how just five or so months ago they were just watching the mommies have their play date, but now that these little people are on the move we have to watch them. How time flies when you're having fun or should I say "babies."
These two little ones were on the move non-stop exploring every inch of the house.
Mr. C learned a new trick, how to put the basketball in the hoop. (with no help from mommy either)
We couldn't keep these two from going up the stairs. Ms. Jilly showed Mr. C around her house and how to climb the stairs. She's a pro!
Mr. A enjoyed the musical rain forest.
While Ms. J enjoyed a teether and her mommy!
A fun time was had by all. Thanks for having us over Ms. Jilly!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Little Gym Adventures
Today we took Mr. C to a class at The Little Gym. He loved it. The Little Gym classes geared toward motor skill development and so much more for kids ages 0 - 12 years old. As soon as the class started Mr. C was very much engaged and all smiles. He wanted to explore every part of the gym. This was a great experience for Mr. C and Mommy & Daddy. We can't wait to go back.
Mr. C ready to pass the ball the one of the other babies
Here he is with Daddy working on lifting himself up. He's a pretty strong guy for 9 1/2 months.
Here Daddy, now you roll the ball.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Going Green!
Mr. C and I went to our first Green Festival today. It was held in Washington DC at the convention center. At first we were going to hop the train down because it's so much easier when it comes to driving and finding a parking spot and it's a part of "Going Green". But then I decided against it since it was just Mr. C and I, so we drove down. Of course when we got there I had to drive around for awhile looking for parking. After about 15 minutes I gave up and found a parking garage which cost me $10. I wasn't to thrilled about paying $10 considering the festival cost $15. Well to my surprise when we made into the convention center and waited in the very long line to buy my ticket, a woman was asking if anyone wanted a free a pass. Now who would turn that down. I gladly accepted the ticket from the woman and moseyed my way into the festival. (The $10 parking wasn't so bad after that.)
Once we stepped foot (and stroller) into the festival there were tons of vendors. It was great. I got to try all kinds of organic food samples. I mean there were cookies, tea, cereal, brownies, granola bars, you name it they had it. And if you know me I tried every single sample that I came across. There were people giving presentations on several different things. One that caught my attention was a woman talking about the chemicals used on the produce sold in supermarkets. She had every chemical listed which was well over 20. She went into how some are harmful and just gave a whole spiel on it. I even purchased an organic t-shirt. Hey, we are all for saving the earth. We do our share in our household. Do you??
Mr. C needed a break from the stroller. He wanted to see what all the fuss about "Going Green" was. Mommy had to school him on what "Going Green" meant. I think he has the idea now.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Welcome To The World Nephew!
On September 27th Mr. E.B. was born into this world. He came in as a very big boy weighing 9 lbs 9 oz. When Mr. E.B. was born we weren't even here to celebrate as we were away in Jamaica. When we returned to the states we made our way over to my sister's to see the new addition to the family. Seeing Mr. EB made me miss those days when Mr. C was his age. Mr. C and Mr. E.B. took some flicks together looking like binky twins in the below picture. We definitely have to get rid of that thing soon. We'll leave the binky's for Mr. E.B (if you know what I know he really needs them:^)
Doing Big Boy Things
The other night for Mr. C's bath we decided to let him experience a "Big Boy" bath in the regular bath tub. He had a blast. Between the splashing and eating the toys I managed to get a photo and some of it on video. I just love this little guy!
Back In The Swing Of Things...
Ok...I know I am so late posting this but I had to do it before it was really late. I had to post these pictures of Mr. C in his costume. I don't really do the Halloween thing but we were invited to a birthday party a few weeks before Halloween and the children were supposed to come wearing their costumes. As you can see Mr. C was a duck. He just loves ducks (especially Ming Ming Duck from Wonder Pets). He actually got to wear his costume twice. The second time was when we met some of friends from the New Mom's Group at Clark Elioak Farm. We had a good time. We went on a hayride, crawled around in the pumpkin patch and saw some cool animals.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Throwback Thursday
Sitting in the house being silly one day I snapped this picture of Mr. C and sent it to Hubby. This was the norm in the beginning. Sitting home taking 50 million pictures a day. What a life I had back then. This was before Mr. C and I started going to the mom's groups.
2 months old
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Rock The Vote!

Today is ELECTION DAY! Mr. C and I "Rocked The Vote" That's right we headed out this morning to cast our ballot. When we arrived at the polling place the lines were ridiculously long but we were honored to be among all the voters. I didn't think Mr. C would last in such a long line but to my surprise he handled it like a champ. We were in line for about an hour and Mr. C made some friends during our wait. The energy was great. Everyone seemed to be ecstatic to be out voting. I know I was. This day is definitely a historic moment and and I'm thankful that I am able to be a part of it. If you haven't been out to vote, please, go VOTE!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!
Today we followed Bam Bam as he chased after the Great Pumpkin. The family along with some friends from the "New Mom's Group" went pumpkin picking today at Larriland Farm.
The babies enjoyed testing each pumpkin for firmness, roll-ability and taste. Mr. C picked the perfect pumpkin for carving. Ria and Leora picked up a few good pumpkins also. It was the perfect fall day for picking pumpkins. Join us on our journey below.

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