Thursday, October 16, 2008

Eaten Alive

So if you've been keeping track of the blog I had a post up last month about Mr. C cutting teeth. Well the teeth are in and as a result he is munching down on any and every thing. This little turtle here was eaten alive by Mr. C the other day. This turtle dangles from his exersaucer he has. He pulls everything off of it and starts gnawing on it. Well the other day I had him in his exersaucer while I was getting his clothes together. I came out to get him so I could change his diaper and start getting him dressed. Well I noticed a bunch of green specs on his chest and was wondering what it was. I went back into the living room and found the turtle lying on the floor with some of the green paint missing. I looked over at Mr. C as if to say "How could you do this to Mr. Turtle"??? Then I started thinking about lead paint. After contemplating on whether to call the doctor or not I took a deep breath and said "Ok don't panic, he'll be ok. He didn't consume to much of the paint and if so it will come out in his poo" I'm so not trying to be that panicky parent that calls the doctor for every little thing. So far I've been pretty good. Mr. C has been pretty healthy. He hasn't been sick a day in his little life and hasn't had any major injuries, so I think we're doing alright. I'm sure everything I just mention will be coming our way soon. When it does that's when I'll be the panicky parent!

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