Thanks Lindsey!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Baby's Play Date
Well this is the first time I am actually getting a chance to post about the New Moms Group I am apart of. We had our weekly gathering at my place yesterday. Everyone couldn't make it so I wanted to share this picture of all the babies in our group. (This wonderful picture was created by Emily 1)

Cady decided to snack on the camera while her mommy snacked on some goodies.
Cady's debating whether she wants to share her duck book with Jack. Jack got impatient and decided to take the book regardless of what Cady came up with.
My Plastic Bag
I know, I know....babies are not supposed to play with plastic bags. I couldn't resist, he was just so in to it.
6 Month Exam Update
Today Mr. C went to his six month check up at his pediatrician's office. He had to get three shots which mommy wasn't to crazy about. This is the third time I had to sit and watch my poor baby scream his head off because the nurse jammed 3 needles into his chunky legs. Mr. C went off immediately. I tried to console him but he wasn't feeling it. Once it was over he cried a little more and then put the sad face on. When he had his 4 month appointment I cried. This time around I toughened up and didn't shed one tear. Mr. C shed enough tears for both of us. Once we got home he was just fine. He actually wanted to show off his colorful band aids. Check him out.
- Weight: 19 lbs. 10 oz. (85th percentile)
- Length: 27" (75th percentile)
- Head Circumference: 43" (30th percentile)
So as you an see Mr. C is doing rather well. He has a rather small head though. I guess that's a good thing so I won't complain.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Today is Christian's 6 month birthday! I can't believe it has been six months already. He has grown so fast I don't know where the time went. Only six more months and he will be 1 years old. I have really enjoyed these past six months raising him. He brings such joy to my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Children really are a gift from God and thank God everyday for him. He's such a happy little boy and just loves attention. It's funny how babies have their own personality at such a young age. Christian is a funny, quirky, loving, silly, aggressive and sometimes demanding little guy. I love everything about him. I can't wait to see how he develops more over these next six months.
Happy Birthday little guy!!! I love you sooooo much!
I know, his hair looks a little crazy. We are still trying to work on that.
On Top Of Federal Hill
Yesterday we went to Federal Hill to hang out before picking Harlan up for the Orioles game. I love the view from up there. I don't know if you've ever been but I would recommend a trip. There was a nice cool breeze blowing (as you can see Raven & Rayne's hair blowing in the wind) so the heat didn't bother us to bad.
Raven & Rayne about to blow away in the wind.
This Is Birdland!
Christian went to his very first baseball game yesterday! It was actually my first baseball game also. I never was a big baseball fan so I never went to any games. Well we had the opportunity to attend the Orioles vs. the Toronto Blue Jays yesterday. Harlan (Hubby) had 4 tickets (thanks to his job) to the game so we took the entire family. We had really good seats right by home base. The whole crew had a blast. Christian couldn't take his eye of the game. I use to think he was going to be into football because he has this little football that he can't put down, but after the game last night I think it might be baseball. He really had a good time and he was the perfect little angel. It was a pretty good game too. The Orioles were off to a good start until about the 4th inning. The Blue Jays came back to claim their victory over the Orioles. So yeah, the Orioles lost. We ended up leaving in the middle of the 6th inning (baseball games are really long). We definitely have to make it to another game. Maybe next time we can catch a ball.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Never Turn Your Back
So I had Christian in the Kitchen with me while I was cooking and I turned around for about 5 seconds, only to turn back around to this. The child was trying to escape out of his bouncing chair (It's a good thing he was strapped in or else he would have been on the floor). Now I know I can't take my eye off of him even for a second.
Monday, July 21, 2008
By George, I Think He's Got It!
Christian has been trying his hardest to roll all the way over. Well finally he has got it down. He has been rolling over but struggling a bit. Now he has it down to a tee. I have been putting him on the floor more and more lately and he has been rolling away. He is still trying to get the sitting up thing down but still needs a little more practice. He'll sit up by himself for a short period of time but before you know it he ends up on his stomach. I think he will have mastered it soon though. As mommy likes to tell him, "Practice makes perfect."
I almost forgot to mention....Christian is trying to crawl. I had him on the bed last week and he managed to make his way from one side to the other (it's a king size). I was pretty amazed but realized I need to keep an eye on him or else he'll fall off the bed. He isn't exactly crawling but inching his way around. It's funny to watch him. He actually looks like a little inch worm. I'll have to make a video so you can see him in action. That'll come at a later date.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Pool Time
Christian and his sister's Raven & Rayne
Saturday we went to the pool. I've been several times now and I love it. Only this time around mommy decided to let me go under water because she happened to come across an article about how babies automatically hold their breath when they go under water. Well I guess the joke was on me because I didn't like it so much. Now I didn't cry or anything (because I'm a big boy now), I just looked a little surprised because my mommy caught me off guard. And do you know she had the nerve to do it again. It really sucks being a baby, because I can't tell her that I really didn't like that.
After I splashed around in the pool I decided it was time to sit back and relax in the shade like the big boy that I am. Mommy thought it would be cool for me to wear my robe to the pool. I kind of agreed with her because I thought I looked like a cutie with my robe on.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My Little Stinker
A New Way To Eat
Christian has discovered a new way to eat his food. For some strange reason he likes to lick the food off of the food tray. Now I am not sure where he gets it from but it's a little weird.
He also likes to lick all the food off of his hands. That's my little monster!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Baby vs. Man
Now that C is getting a little older he is starting to get into his little routine. Every morning C wakes up he stretches, passes gas, stretch some more and then start smiling. The funny thing is he does the same exact thing every morning. Now that he is eating baby food his little farts are starting to smell more and more like a grown man and not a baby. Can you believe a 5 month old baby is picking up his father's habits already. Well let's just compare the two and see what we have.
Baby (C) vs. Man (Daddy)
loud burps loud burps
stinky farts extra stinky farts
snores in sleep snores in sleep
big poops big poops
So as you can see baby is just like man in so many ways.
Now it's your turn....How does your baby compare to man or woman?
Friday, July 4, 2008
You Caught Me
My little stinker just loves bath time. We were trying to see how he would look with a mohawk. What do you think?? Ok, I think we'll stick with the bowl cut he currently has.
As you can see I had to help him with his sitting. He's trying but still no dice. My poor baby still needs his mother to assist him. Don't worry Christian mommy will always be there to hold you up (he better get this sitting up thing down soon).
After he's bathed he likes to just hang out a bit so he can eat his hands and play with his feet. Wait...this sound all to familiar..oh ok his father does the same thing (like father like son).
He just loves his feet.
Feeding Time
Feeding Part I
Gotcha!! (That's the look he has or it could be let me feed myself since you want to sit and take pictures of me as I sit here starving)
When it comes time to eat Christian is ready to get down to business. As you can see he's ready to go at it. Feed me mama!!
This is the after effect once he's gotten some applesauce in him. Now that he's fed he is ready for a nap (it should be bedtime but for him it's considered a nap since he'll be up in about 2 hours or so).
Breakfast time! He's just all smiles when it comes to breakfast. You gotta love that face:-) As you can see he just loves his cereal (rice & oatmeal mixed). Although most of the time his face or clothes ends up eating more of the cereal than he does.
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